We're Bloody Gobsmacked!

We're Bloody Gobsmacked!

We're bloody gobsmacked and utterly delighted to share, that Spiritless Kentucky 74 has been awarded a Bronze Medal in the "Low-and-No-Alcohol" category of the International Wine and Spirits Competition!

This prestigious award from across the pond is cracking. A diverse panel of judges — many of whom are distillers or producers themselves — are world-renowned experts representing the global drinks trade. The panel tastes 65 samples per day before comparing tasting notes and debating the finer points of each elixir. The tasting process follows the "double-blind" method, meaning that samples are tested in pre-poured, numbered glasses to ensure the judges never get a peek at the label, and each drink is judged by a whole panel at the same time, allowing for group discussion and peer feedback. 

In other words, achieving an IWSC award isn't easy, but that's what makes the medal so well respected!

Kentucky 74 was judged against a bevy of bevvies in a vibrant, competitive and constantly evolving category. The recognition feels  like a real seal of approval! So, don't mind us, we'll just be over here "faffing around," polishing our bronze medal and practicing our British slang with pride!